The Local Offer has been introduced to make sure that families and carers can easily find out what information and services are available, in their local area, for children and young people who have special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. These public services could cover education, health or social care.
The Children and Families Bill requires that by law all local authorities provide and share information for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Every child has an introduction to the Pre-School, where parents can share any information on the strengths and needs of their child.
All children at Roundabout have their own key person who will work with them closely and get to know them as an individual. The role of the key person is to build a close relationship with the child and the parents/carers to enable sharing of information and to identify a possible need.
If parents/carers have any questions or concerns they can arrange a mutually convenient time to meet with their child’s key person privately and discuss their child’s progress and development.
The SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) – Adele Laycock is also available to discuss any of the above in private.
All children have a progress check at the age of 2, which looks closely at the three prime areas of learning and development:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
The progress check provides parents with a written summary of their child’s development and may indicate if there is a particular need.
Regular observational assessments are made of all children at Roundabout Pre-School and are linked to the Early Years and Outcomes Development Matters ages and stages of development (as outlined in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage).
Reports from health care professionals also may identify a child’s individual needs and will be included in your child’s learning and development. This information is shared with parents regularly.
The SENCO will work with other professionals wherever necessary to access support and advice to suit individual’s needs. The SENCO will also provide support and advice to key workers and all staff in setting.
If a concern about a child’s development is identified, this will be discussed with parents and a plan will be agreed for supporting the child.
Early identification of a need has proved highly beneficial – identifying the need at the earliest point and then making effective provision improves long term outcomes for children.
Roundabout early years practitioners will have regular contact from other professionals such as – The Area SENCO, health visitors, and SALTs (speech and language therapists).
Professionals from other areas may be sought if needed such as – occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and many others who may be contacted based on the child’s individual needs.
We use the Birth to 5 Matters to set the standards of learning, development and care of children.
On our notice board we will provide you with leaflets, and there is also information on our website explaining the Birth to 5 Matterss.
Roundabout early years practitioners will use a ‘graduated approach system’ for identifying, accessing and responding to children with special educational needs.
This will be a step by step response to the various levels of intervention which are – Discussion of Concern, Targeted Support, Specialist Support, and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC).
A Roundabout key person will work with you and your child, by listening and supporting you both. They will work closely with your child getting to know them as individuals. Completing an ‘all about me’ sheet before your child first starts will help your child’s key person to learn important facts and information so they can get to know your child better.
The SENCO will explain how your child’s particular needs can be supported with an Individual Education Plan (IEP), Support Plan, EHC or Health Care Plan and may be advised by an Early Years Improvement Advisor.
A child’s key person will be in most or all sessions, building a close relationship to understand your child and to help support their development.
The child’s key person will make observations, assessments and evaluations for the IEP.
We will ensure parents are informed of all stages of assessment, planning, provision and that they are regularly updated on the progress of their child.
Your child’s key person will meet with you (and professionals if required) termly. During that time, you will get a chance to discuss your child’s IEP, their progress and any next steps made for your child.
The SENCO will then coordinate and oversee this to ensure the IEP is effective and meeting your child’s needs. Your child’s key person will carry out the majority of the one-to-one work and they will provide any activities or suggestions for you to carry out to further support your child at home.
Your child’s key person will document your child’s progression in a document called a “Learning Journey”, which you are welcome to look in and take home for a short time.
All updated records and documentation about your child are confidential and will be stored in a locked filing cabinet to ensure this.
Our SENCO has received training recognised by Leeds City Council and will regularly attend other training and meetings to network and remain up-to-date. All Roundabout staff will attend training required for children with specific needs, and they will have the opportunity to attend others if needed.
Children will be offered all learning opportunities available at Roundabout Pre-School.
Activities will be adapted, where necessary, to an appropriate level, in order to meet every individual child’s needs.
Roundabout early years practitioners will provide accessible equipment and resources to support children’s medical needs, physical skills, mobility, and sensory development. These will be used effectively to ensure an accessible, enabling environment for playing and learning.
There will be extra support arrangements to aid the social, emotional, and behavioural development of children with SEND.
Time will be made available throughout the day for children with SEND to have one-to-one interaction with their key person, in order for them to achieve the goals or the next steps for their IEPs.
Roundabout early years practitioners ensure that children with SEND can engage in the Pre-School’s activities alongside other children who do not have SEND. The SENCO will be responsible for coordinating SEND provision.
On introduction, Roundabout early years practitioners will explain the restrictions to our building, but will adapt changes to any facilities where possible.
Roundabout pre-School has an entrance at the front of the building which leads into the main hall where toilets and changing facilities are accessible.
There is also disabled access on a path around the building leading from the entrance through to the outdoor play area.
There are some steps to allow free flow access from the back of the building which have a handrail fitted.
Resources are easily accessible to children and they will have free choice. There are signs and posters in the entrance to Roundabout as well as around the setting with pictures to help children to identify objects.
Roundabout has a daily notice board containing information with lists of daily and weekly activities. All policies are available for parents on a notice board in the hall.
At Roundabout, each key person will work closely with their key child’s parent/carer, giving regular feedback on a daily basis. Key workers will record observations that are linked to the Birth to 5 Matters ages and stages of development. Parents can follow their child's progress via an online journal on "Tapestry". Each child’s profile is regularly updated by the child’s key person and parents are welcome to add comments, give feedback, or put any additional information that they think is relevant online. Parent’s evenings are held termly where they can discuss their child’s learning development and progress and work with your child’s key person to plan for their next steps.
Roundabout early years practitioners will hold additional regular meetings for children who have SEND, which is an opportunity to share knowledge about your child’s progress and needs. Further developmental targets will then be agreed in the meeting and everyone who is involved in your child’s care will be informed of them.
Parents are also welcome to arrange any meetings with staff if they wish to discuss anything further and are also welcome to spend a morning in the setting, or even volunteer with us.
More information can be found in our parental involvement policy and our settling into Pre-School policy.
Roundabout early years practitioners will ensure they work in partnership with parents to establish the best support for the child’s needs. Support will be family-centred and practitioners will always consider the individual family’s needs and the best way they can support them. Parents will be involved in every stage of planning and action for their child.
Roundabout Pre-School will always inform parents when they are making special educational provision for their child, and this support can come in a number of forms including – specialist support from health visitors, educational psychologists, speech and language therapists, such as a teacher of the deaf or vision impaired. These specialists may visit homes to offer advice and support to families.
Roundabout early years practitioners will provide information for parents/carers on support groups for families with SEND and any adult learning opportunities.
There will be extra support arrangements to aid the social, emotional, and behavioural development of children with SEND.
The child’s key person and SENCO will all work closely together with the child and encourage and support them in the most appropriate way for each child.
Key workers will record general information based on children’s well-being and will assist the SENCO in identifying if children need extra support.
Roundabout early years practitioners will discuss and work with parents who have children that have challenging behaviours to manage their behaviour, and work together to make behaviour plans in order to support the well-being of the child.
Our Behaviour Management Coordinator (Alissia Holmes) will be available most sessions for you to speak to about any concerns or advice.
Roundabout early years practitioners encourage healthy eating and make sure children can help themselves to a healthy snack throughout the session, taking into consideration any dietary needs, likes and dislikes. They also provide a lot of activities and games at circle time to make healthy eating fun for the children and hopefully they will learn a few facts along the way.
All Roundabout practitioners have a minimum of a level 3 qualification in an Early Years subject. The setting's manager is qualified to level 5, whilst the remaining members of staff are qualified at level 3.
All practitioners will work with external professionals, some who will visit the children within the setting.
All practitioners have skills and experience of working with children with SEND but all will be supported by the SENCO. Some children, depending on their needs, will have specific time set aside for one-to-one support.
Each term practitioners will carry out a check to ensure that the learning environment is meeting the needs of all children. This involves assessing the quality of continuous provision, the resources and the layout of the environment.
The way we respond to individual educational plans for children will vary, some may be referrals to other agencies such as Education Psychology or Speech and Language Therapy.
For children with more complex needs they may access support on a ‘specialist level’ which will be based on the child’s individual needs. Examples of these are SENIT (Special Educational Needs Inclusion Team), Occupational Therapists, STARS (who support children with autistic spectrum condition) and Roundabout Pre-School is open to getting in touch with any other support as required.
Practitioners in our setting are qualified up to level 3 or above. We also take on apprenticeships who complete their level 2 and 3 training whilst employed by us.
Roundabout early years practitioners value all extra support and training for staff and regularly seek these out, encouraging all practitioners to take these opportunities.
Roundabout early years practitioners also regularly access the latest information from Leeds City Council, DFE, Pre-School Learning Alliance, and other websites to ensure that they are up-to-date.
When planning trips out as a setting, they undertake any risk assessments of the places they intend to visit and consider the needs of the children who will be going.
Roundabout early years practitioners offer introduction sessions for children who are new to the setting. This can take place at a mutually convenient time prior to your child’s start date, where there will be an opportunity to discuss any requirements. These sessions give practitioners a good chance to get to know children and their family. In addition, your key person can determine the approach needed when your child is in their care. Roundabout early years practitioners offer a flexible settling period for you and your child and try to meet each child’s needs as best they can.
When moving on to another setting or school, Roundabout will invite the key person/SENCO and teacher to attend your child’s sessions so they can become familiar with them and to discuss your child’s strengths and needs.
Arrangements can be made for your child’s key person to accompany them on visits to their chosen local school. Your child’s key person will pass on your child’s learning journal, ILLPS, end of term report, and any other relevant information well in advance of the transition to ensure time for any preparation or planning that may be required.
If children require resources that are not immediately available to us, then the Pre-School will invest in such resources if sufficient funds are available, or borrow them from the Inclusion Service. The SENCO will liaise with parents and outside professionals to ensure resources are appropriate for the needs of the child.
Research has shown that children flourish when there is an effective working partnership between their parent/carer and the educational setting that they attend.
Roundabout Pre-School is a charitable company and as a result, it is committee-led, so a high level of parental involvement is very welcome. The majority of the committee members are parents whose children either currently or previously attended the setting. The Directors of the committee have an overview of the management and the day-to-day running of the setting.
Roundabout early years practitioners give regular feedback to parents on a daily basis and ensure they understand any information given and have the chance to ask questions.
Roundabout early years practitioners have an ‘open door’ policy where parents are welcome to come in and discuss, in confidence, any queries, problems, or concerns with any members of staff.
Roundabout early years practitioners involve parents on a regular basis about their child’s development – either formally or informally – and ensure parents have access to their child’s written document.
The SENCO: Adele Laycock is available in all sessions if you would like to discuss your child’s needs. Adele will be able to sign-post you to professionals if you wish to seek further advice about your child such as health visitors, speech and language therapists and Families Information Service.
Alissia Holmes our Behaviour Management Co-ordinator is available for any advice or strategies to cope with any undesirable behaviour.
Children and Families Bill 2013: Contextual Information and Responses to Pre-Legislative Scrutiny. [Online] London: Secretary of State for Education; 2013. Available here.
Helen Moylett and Nancy Stewart. The British Association for Early Childhood Education, Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage. [Online] London: Early Education; 2012. Available here.
Birth to 5 Matters - Non-statutory guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage. [Online] London; 2021. Available here.
Department for Education, Early Years Outcomes. [Online] London; 2013. Available here.
Department for Education, Special educational needs and disability: a guide for parents and carers. [Online] London; 2014. Available here.
There are many groups and classes held locally at Horsforth’s Children Centre, such as parenting courses, baby sign, and many others.
The Local Authorities Local Offer