Roundabout Pre-School


June 2023

Welcome back to Roundabout for the final half-term of the academic year. A big welcome to Andre and Francesca who have recently started with us.

Now that summer is here and we are getting more sunshine, can I please remind you to ensure that your child brings a sunhat and has an eight-hour protective sun cream applied before attending. You will understand that our staff can not apply (or re-apply) up to 30 different sunscreens on individual children; this would be very time-consuming, but more importantly, some children are allergic to some brands of sun cream. Therefore, we do not permit staff to apply suncream. To ensure your child’s well-being is cared for, we allow children to go outdoors for up to twenty minutes in the morning and the afternoon on sunny days if they attend Roundabout without sun cream.

News from the Committee

We would like to thank the Roundabout staff for their fantastic work this year. Millie, who has been part of the team for the last two years, is about to embark on a new career. She will be leaving Roundabout on Thursday, the 22nd of June and we wish her all the best for the future. 

Transition Time

We are extremely sad (but also excited, of course!) to say “Goodbye” to 24 of our children in July, so big changes are afoot!

Transition to school will undoubtedly be our biggest priority this half term for those children who will begin their school journey in September. At circle time, we have been practising lots of the skills the children will need – saying ‘Good morning’ loudly and clearly to whoever is addressing them, sitting with our legs crossed, backs straight, arms in our laps and with listening ears on!!! These things may seem a little trivial, but by exploring these rituals with the children, we regularly allow them to think about and express how they feel about starting school.

We are also giving the children lots of encouragement and support with independence skills, such as putting their coat on and fastening it, putting on their shoes, and washing and drying their hands. You could help by encouraging this at home.

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